Gathering information from the internet can be a great way to prepare for your trip to Japan, but there are also many books that offer great insights with more depth than any website or blog entry could offer.

We have taken the liberty to pick a few books to add to your reading list.  In addition to travel guides, we have included books that have ties to Accessible Japan – either books we have reviewed on the blog or from authors who have contributed to our site.

Brew a cup of coffee and cuddle up in a blanket!

Travel Books

In addition to our own guide to Tokyo, for general travel information we recommend the Lonely Planet series since they have recently started to work on adding accessible travel information to their website and will do so for their books in the near future.

Books We've Reviewed

From time to time we review books on our blog.  These books have a connection to disability in Japan.

Books Written by Accessible Japan Contributors

A few of the contributors to the website have also published books that are great reads.

Image of a phone displaying a person with a prosthetic leg hiking, with text promoting a community for travelers with disabilities on tabifolk.

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