ようこそ!(Yôkoso, welcome!) Welcome to Accessible Japan!

If you are looking at this website, then we likely have something in common – disability.  Accessible Japan came into being from a combination of both good and bad experiences of traveling in a wheelchair.  The creator has extensive travel experience with an electric wheelchair.  An adventurer at heart, he hates to hear “impossible” and relentlessly ventures forth… but he is a worrywart at heart and likes to gather as much information as humanly possible beforehand.  And he hates surprises.  Frustrated with little to no information about accessibility on websites, or hotels not allowing accessible rooms to be booked online and requiring long phone calls he decided to create this site.

While we are starting as a humble blog, we hope to one day be your essential, one-stop-shop for information on traveling Japan in a wheelchair. This takes several forms:

A database that will include accessibility information on hotels and popular tourist destinations.  The information is from the internet (usually Japanese-only sites so we can get you information normally out of reach) as well as from personal experience.  If you have a location that you want us to visit, let us know and we’ll see what we can do!

We will also offer a handful of services as well.  This includes items like booking your hotel (sites do not allow online booking for accessible rooms), personalized information gathering to see if a hotel meets your needs, arranging wheelchair accessible vans, and introducing you to a guide who is familiar with disability.  Check out our services page.

Two-way communication with you via this blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc.  Also feel free to contact us and have a lovely chat!

We love Japan.  It is an exciting mix of agelessness and at the same time lightning fast change.  Come join us in accessible Japan

Categories: Uncategorized


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Image of a phone displaying a person with a prosthetic leg hiking, with text promoting a community for travelers with disabilities on tabifolk.

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