By Justin Schroth

Art as we see it is a uniquely human creation delving into life, expression, emotions, and imagination to produce objects that can move or inspire others. It has been a part of humanity even before written history existed. Some of the oldest discovered human creations, such as primitive cave drawings that are thousands of years old, are proof that no matter the era, humans have a desire to create art.

This itch for creating art is of course not exclusive to just able-bodied individuals, those living with disabilities most certainly can have the urge to create inspiring works. As we know, some artists work with great effort to create pieces to sell, however this can be more difficult to accomplish with a disability. Understanding this, Paralym Art was created in order assist artists with disabilities collaborate with others and potentially receive payment for their artwork.

Paralym Art also began a contest to showcase works of art from individuals living with disabilities from across the globe. Currently the 3rd Annual Paralym Art World Cup is open and available for artwork submissions (16th March 2020 – 30th June 2020). This exciting opportunity has a number of amazing prizes, including an invitation to the awards ceremony in Tokyo, Japan in November 2020 for the 1st & 2nd place winners!

Here is some additional information:

  • Artists can submit one entry each, only limitations are that the artist is a person with a disability.
  • The Theme for Paralym Art World Cup 2020 is Peace (平和), while “Peace” means something different to everyone, they’re looking for pieces of art that you think encompasses this meaning.
  • The submitted art should be canvas or paper art (Sketch, Acrylic, Watercolor, Oil Painting, Paper Art, Woodblock Print, Calligraphy, etc.), but things like embroidery is also accepted.
  • While your art will not be returned, it may instead be sold/auctioned, and you will then receive payment for your art!
  • For more detailed rules and information, check the Paralym Art website (here:
  • To submit an entry, check the Artwork Entry section (here:

We at Accessible Japan are looking forward to Paralym Art World Cup and all the submissions in the showcase. If you do submit an entry, please let us know, we’d love to hear about it and cheer you on!

Photo by Ankhesenamun 96 on Unsplash


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