Mothers that have children living with a disability or ailment are using a brand-new method to get around with their children that makes life much more easy – buggy type wheelchairs. Buggy type wheelchairs can be easily mistaken for baby strollers but they come with a few added features. Unfortunately, because they are similar looking, misunderstandings can occur.

Hopefully, a new symbol will educate the public about buggy type wheelchairs.

This type of pediatric wheelchair is used primarily by children that have weaker upper body strength. The specially angled seats and straps work to hold the child in place, but when many parents see children strapped into a stroller this way can be a bit alarming. The goal of the signs on these wheelchairs is to showcase that these kids are being aided by the wheelchair rather than being restrained.

Reiko Nagamine is a 38-year-old mother with a six-year-old daughter with epilepsy and finds it very difficult to hold her head up in a traditional stroller. She sometimes faces pressure on trains to fold up the wheelchair and take her daughter out of it during rush hour. She hopes that with the inclusion of the new tags she will not face the same amount of misunderstanding. Her previous solution was simply announcing that a wheelchair was coming on board in a very loud voice, but the tag system would make things much easier.

The inclusion of the tags will also ensure that all buggy type wheelchairs will be able to use portable ramps. In some cases the use of ramps is denied because some station staff cannot recognize the difference between these wheelchairs and a traditional stroller.

The company making the buggy strollers has plans to expand their line of products. With heavier baby strollers as well as extra room for respirators, equipment and medication are going to be available in some of the future models.

Education is one of the most important steps in creating a barrier free society.  Lets hope these work and can create a bit of respite for these mothers caring for their child’s needs.

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Source and Image: The Japan News


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